
Oct 21, 2016

Possession Chapter 5 (A Mystic Messenger Fanfiction)

Possession Chapter 5 (A Mystic Messenger Fanfiction)
Nari laid on the floor. She has a black eye and a bruised forehead. Blood was dripping out of her mouth. Jumin ran over to her, every inch of his body was gripped with fear. “How could something like this happen to her in a few minutes?”  Jumin wondered. He quickly dialed the number of his personal nurse. After the second ring, she picked up. 
  “Jumin?” Her faint voice could be heard. “Is everything alright?” 
  Jumin heart thumped against his chest. “I need you to come as soon as possible.”  He said, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible. 
  “I can come in about 5 minutes.” Her voice echoing. 
  “No!” Jumin said fiercely, “I need you to come now.”  The calmness in his voice was fading. 
  “Alright. I’ll be there as soon as possible.” The phone beeped as she ended the call. 
  Jumin looked at Nari. Her face was pale and the blood coming from her mouth had dried. Jumin gently picked her up from the floor and walked over to the bed, placing her on it. He looked at her delicate frame. A sudden urge of protection washed over him. He would do anything to protect Nari. 
  The nurse came 3 minutes later. He heard her ring the doorbell and ran from Nari’s room to the front door. The nurse was dressed in her usual uniform, white scrubs, tennis shoes, and her medical kit by her side. Her black hair was pulled into a ponytail, showing her worried expression. 
  “Jumin, what’s wrong?” She asked. 
  “Come with me.” He told her hurrying down the hallway to Nari’s room. He opened the door and the nurse gasped. She hurried to Nari’s side. 
  “What happened?” She said while taking her pulse. 
  “I just walked out for a second and when I came back she was like this.” He told her. The nurse wiped the dried blood off her face. 
  “It looks like someone hit her with a hard object,” She said as she examined her frame very carefully. “She also has a dislocated shoulder from when she fell.” The nurse explained. She got some bandages from her medical kit and started wrapping them around her shoulder. 
  As the nurse left, Jumin watched Nari closely. Her shallow breathing, her bruised head and the bandaged shoulder. He wanted - no. He needed to protect Nari. And nothing was going to stop him.

Possession: Chapter 4 (A Mystic Messenger Fanfiction)

Jumin sighed as he closed her door. As much as he wanted to talk to Nari, he knew she had to get settled in first. As he walked down the hallway, his heart pounded. He never felt anything like this before. He didn’t know what to do. “I can’t have feelings for Nari! I need to work!”  Jumin told himself. His heart pounded some more. Something was telling him to go back. Reluctantly, he walked back to her door, pausing before opening the door a tiny crack. Jumin couldn’t see Nari on the bed so he opened the door fully. His heart stopped. His breathing became shallow.
Nari was on the floor unconscious.

Oct 17, 2016


Hey guys? Guess what? 
Also, I am now on the Yoosung route.
 I will post a mini-guide for Zen 
as soon as possible, since it takes a while
to go back through and type everything out. 
Anywho, have a great day!

Introduction! -Alisa

Hey there! I'm  Alisa, the other writer of this blog! I enjoy books, my violin, music, cats, and writing. Erin and I are going to talk about tons of different things on this blog.. This includes Mystic Messenger, Neko Atsume, the Warriors series, and other things! Please, feel free to email us, leave a comment, or contact us in any way to give us suggestions on some great iOS or computer apps, books, fantastic bands, or any other things that you feel we would enjoy!


Thank you for checking out our blog! Have a wonderful day,
       and may you see Zen in the world of dreams ;)

-Alisa :3

Oct 16, 2016

Possession Chapter 3: (A Mystic Messenger Fanfiction)

Chapter 3: Jumin

  Nari slowly opened her eyes. She looked at the clock on the bedside table. 7:56. She got out of bed. She wore the same clothes for the past day. They were now wrinkled and smelled. Midst of all the all the chaos yesterday, she forgot to pack extra clothes. It was too late to go back now. She walked out of the room and looked for the nearest bathroom. She walked in, and locked the door, seeing that Seven already laid out a towel for her to use. She got a clothes hanger and hanged her clothes and placed them near the shower so the steam could dewrinkle them a bit.
  The water was nice and warm. She stayed in for a good 5 minutes and dried herself off. When her hair was all dried, she tied it up in a ponytail. She walked into the kitchen seeing food was already set up for her and a little note card next to the bowl of soup.
  Nari, if you see this, it probably means I already left for work. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay but I hope you understand. Jumin will come and pick you up around 10. I hope you enjoy your breakfast. ~Love, Seven.
  She placed the note card down and looked at her food. Wonton soup with rice. She poured the soup onto the rice and ate, awning at the rich flavor.
  When she finished, she washed the plates. And headed back to her room. Then she made her bed and took out her phone, looking at yesterday’s messages.
  Apparently, Seven had told everyone about the Unknown. Which caused everyone to panic a bit before Seven calmed them down, saying that Nari was with him.
  She quickly typed a message, saying that she was okay. Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her hand. Jumin had sent a private message.

Jumin: Nari? I’m at the front of Seven’s house.

Nari looked out the window, seeing Jumin’s black BMW on the driveway.

Nari: You came early. It’s only 9:03.
Jumin: I couldn’t wait to see you.
Jumin: Now, please don’t keep me waiting and come to the driveway.
  Nari put down her phone and went downstairs, excited to see Jumin for the first time. She eagerly walked over to the BMW, seeing Jumin sitting in the car waiting for her.
  “Nari?” Jumin called. “I can’t believe it’s you!” disbelief could be heard in his voice.
  “I look really bad, don’t I? She said.
  A look of misunderstanding spread upon Jumin’s face. “What?! Oh no! I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that you looked different from my expectation. You look more beautiful from my expectation.” He stammered, a blush forming on his face.
  Nari laughed. “Thank god! I thought I looked hideous!”
  Jumin smiled, “We don’t have all day. Get in the car.”  He said, starting the car up. Nari got in and put on her seatbelt as Jumin drove out of the driveway.
  The view from Seven’s house to Jumin’s was amazing. The hilly countryside was a lush green. The cherry trees were in bloom, leaving the hillside with lush pink trees. They drove up Jumin’s driveway, leaving Nari in awe of his house. The white tiles covered up the whole 2 stories. The pillars supporting the house looked like they were from ancient Greece temples. The huge black doors of the garage loomed over them as they entered.
  The garage was lit brightly. The color scheme of black and white went really well with the navy blue cabinets in the garage. She got out of the car as Jumin opened the door to the kitchen. “I hope you like the place.” He said. Walking in after her.
  She looked around her in awe. It was just the kitchen and she couldn’t hold her excitement. Everything in Jumin’s house was neat and organized compared to Rika’s apartment that was filled with papers.
  “I’m glad to see that you like this place,” Jumin said proudly. “Come. I need to show you your room.” He beckoned to her. They walked down a long series of hallways until finally, they reached a fancy door with her name on it. Jumin walked her inside.
  The room was brightly light as they walked in. The bed was in the middle of the room. The black and white pillows going well with the gray mattress. A painting of a lilac was above the bed. Off to the side, was a couple of seats near the window. The few potted plants in the room made the black and white color scheme pop. The bathroom door was to the left of the bed. She walked in, feeling the soft carpet brush against her sandals.
  “Jumin,” She sighed. “I love it.”
  He smiled, “That makes me very happy to hear that,” He said blissfully. “I’ll leave you alone to get settled.”
  As Jumin closed the door and walked away, she collapsed on the bed. Looking at her reflection in the mirror. Nari’s brown hair was still in its ponytail. Her gray shirt and jacket hung close to her body and the dark blue skinny jeans looked dull from the recent events. Nari took out her phone from the back pocket and went on the messenger. Six new email had popped up since she was gone. She tapped the first one and started typing.

Oct 13, 2016

Possession Chapter: 2 (A Mystic Messenger Fanfiction)

A/N: Since the preview was copied from Chapter 1, I will post Chapter 2 now. Thanks for reading! ~Erin

 Chapter 2: Home

   Nari groaned. Her whole body ached. She tried getting up but it was too painful.
  “Nari?” A voice asked. Afraid it was the Unknown, she tried getting up but pain gripped her body. The person finally came into view.
  “Seven!” Nari cried. Relief flowing through her. “Why are you here?” She asked.
  “I saw everything on the CCTV,”  He told her. “But I couldn’t hear anything. So when you fainted, I came here immediately.”  She could hear worry in his voice. “What did he say to you?”
  She told Seven about how the Unknown threatened her and said that in 24 hours he would place a bomb in the apartment.
  “Nari, you can’t stay here for much longer,”  He told her. “You have to stay in someone’s place. Come on, I’ll take you to my apartment for now.”
  Nari got out of bed and gasped. The pain running through her body was so overwhelming to the point that she almost fell. She had to sit on the bed so she didn’t fall. Seven looked back. “Nari? What’s wrong?”
  Her voice was shaking. “I can’t walk.”  Seven looked at her.
  “I’ll carry you.” He offered. Nari was shocked.
  “Seven, no. I’m fine. Just give me a minute.” She asked.
  “Nari, you don’t look well. Your face is really pale, and your eyes look bloodshot. Just let me carry you.” He pleaded. Nari reluctantly agreed as Seven carried her down the stairs and into the car.
  The drive was five minutes from Rika’s Apartment to Seven’s place. She gasped as they reached his place. The house was 3 stories tall. The red bricks shone in the sunlight. As they drove into the garage, she looked at all the expensive sports cars Seven had. Nari wondered if he ever drives most of them. He then carried her upstairs and placed her in one of his spare bedrooms.
  “Nari, I’m sorry.” He began. “But you can’t stay here for long. I have to work and-” He got cut off.
  “Seven. It’s alright. Thank you for everything. I can find another place to stay for now.” She told him.
  Seven had a worried look on his face, “But you can’t just stay anywhere. Unknown might hurt you if you stay in a hotel or something. Maybe you can stay at one of the guy’s house. I’ll call them and ask.” He said, leaving the room.
  After Seven left, Nari felt tired. She went deeper into the blankets and fell asleep.
  When Nari woke up, it was dark outside. She got out of bed and found that she could stand now. She opened the door and went to go find Seven.
  Nari found Seven in the kitchen cooking bibimbap. She sat on the kitchen counter, taking in the smells.
  “You're finally awake.” Seven pointed out. Bringing a plate of bibimbap over to her. She looked at the plate. There were carrots, spinach, and other greens placed perfectly around the edge of the circular glass ,white, plate, a fried egg was placed elegantly in the center of the mixture. He sprinkled some spices on it, adding more flavor to the elegant dish.
  “Wow Seven.” Nari said.
  Seven chuckled, “You should see Yoosung cooking. He knows how to cook everything,” He paused. “Except Chinese food. Whenever he attempts to make some, something wrong always goes wrong, like putting too much pepper, or accidentally burning it.”
  Nari laughed. “I could teach him. Chinese food is my specialty.” She said, taking a bite out of the delicate dish.
  Seven smiled, “I’m sure he would appreciate it. Oh! Nari. I called Jumin earlier. He said that you can stay at his house while I take care of the bomb.”
  “He did?!” Nari asked, her face lighting up. “When is he going to pick me up?”
  “Tomorrow.” Seven told her. “You better get a good night’s rest.” He said as they finished their meal. “Good night.” He called to her was she made her way back to her room.
  “Good night.” She called back. She laid on the bed and sighed. All the events of the day wore her out. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Possession Chapter: 1 (A Mystic Messenger Fanfiction)

A/N: Hey guys. So here's chapter 1 for Possession. I will post this fanfiction on WattPad too so please follow my account, GracefulGlaceon. Thank you. 
Also, here's the fanfiction cover page. 

Chapter 1: Threat 

  Nari was on her phone responding to emails of the potential party guests. She needed to invite as many people as she could so the party would be a success. She was almost finished replying to her last email when a loud crash came from her window. Fear etched into her. Before she could scream, a hand covered her mouth. Her back was to the person so she couldn’t see the person’s face.  
  “Shhh…” The voice said, sounding male. “ Don’t scream. I’m going to remove my hand. I won’t hurt you unless you scream.”  The person’s hand lifted from her mouth. Nari turned to look at his face. He had white hair with some red tips. His eyes were an interesting shade of mint green, His neck has a black choker, and a spiked black bracelet. He wore a red tank top with black jeans, and a black jacket that was hanging on his elbow, revealing the eye tattoo on his shoulder. 
  “Who are you? Are you here to kidnap me?” Nari asks, fear taking over. 
  He laughed, “Just call me Unknown. But I’m telling this to you here and now. In 24 hours, a bomb will be placed in this apartment. If anyone leaves or comes in, the bomb will activate. You have 24 hours to leave this apartment.” 
  “Why are you doing this to me?” Nari asks. 
  “My Savior wishes me to.” He said. Then, he jumps out of the window of the apartment. Leaving Nari stunned. Suddenly, her vision blurred. Her knees buckled, she fell to the floor as her eyes started to close.