
Oct 13, 2016

Possession Chapter: 2 (A Mystic Messenger Fanfiction)

A/N: Since the preview was copied from Chapter 1, I will post Chapter 2 now. Thanks for reading! ~Erin

 Chapter 2: Home

   Nari groaned. Her whole body ached. She tried getting up but it was too painful.
  “Nari?” A voice asked. Afraid it was the Unknown, she tried getting up but pain gripped her body. The person finally came into view.
  “Seven!” Nari cried. Relief flowing through her. “Why are you here?” She asked.
  “I saw everything on the CCTV,”  He told her. “But I couldn’t hear anything. So when you fainted, I came here immediately.”  She could hear worry in his voice. “What did he say to you?”
  She told Seven about how the Unknown threatened her and said that in 24 hours he would place a bomb in the apartment.
  “Nari, you can’t stay here for much longer,”  He told her. “You have to stay in someone’s place. Come on, I’ll take you to my apartment for now.”
  Nari got out of bed and gasped. The pain running through her body was so overwhelming to the point that she almost fell. She had to sit on the bed so she didn’t fall. Seven looked back. “Nari? What’s wrong?”
  Her voice was shaking. “I can’t walk.”  Seven looked at her.
  “I’ll carry you.” He offered. Nari was shocked.
  “Seven, no. I’m fine. Just give me a minute.” She asked.
  “Nari, you don’t look well. Your face is really pale, and your eyes look bloodshot. Just let me carry you.” He pleaded. Nari reluctantly agreed as Seven carried her down the stairs and into the car.
  The drive was five minutes from Rika’s Apartment to Seven’s place. She gasped as they reached his place. The house was 3 stories tall. The red bricks shone in the sunlight. As they drove into the garage, she looked at all the expensive sports cars Seven had. Nari wondered if he ever drives most of them. He then carried her upstairs and placed her in one of his spare bedrooms.
  “Nari, I’m sorry.” He began. “But you can’t stay here for long. I have to work and-” He got cut off.
  “Seven. It’s alright. Thank you for everything. I can find another place to stay for now.” She told him.
  Seven had a worried look on his face, “But you can’t just stay anywhere. Unknown might hurt you if you stay in a hotel or something. Maybe you can stay at one of the guy’s house. I’ll call them and ask.” He said, leaving the room.
  After Seven left, Nari felt tired. She went deeper into the blankets and fell asleep.
  When Nari woke up, it was dark outside. She got out of bed and found that she could stand now. She opened the door and went to go find Seven.
  Nari found Seven in the kitchen cooking bibimbap. She sat on the kitchen counter, taking in the smells.
  “You're finally awake.” Seven pointed out. Bringing a plate of bibimbap over to her. She looked at the plate. There were carrots, spinach, and other greens placed perfectly around the edge of the circular glass ,white, plate, a fried egg was placed elegantly in the center of the mixture. He sprinkled some spices on it, adding more flavor to the elegant dish.
  “Wow Seven.” Nari said.
  Seven chuckled, “You should see Yoosung cooking. He knows how to cook everything,” He paused. “Except Chinese food. Whenever he attempts to make some, something wrong always goes wrong, like putting too much pepper, or accidentally burning it.”
  Nari laughed. “I could teach him. Chinese food is my specialty.” She said, taking a bite out of the delicate dish.
  Seven smiled, “I’m sure he would appreciate it. Oh! Nari. I called Jumin earlier. He said that you can stay at his house while I take care of the bomb.”
  “He did?!” Nari asked, her face lighting up. “When is he going to pick me up?”
  “Tomorrow.” Seven told her. “You better get a good night’s rest.” He said as they finished their meal. “Good night.” He called to her was she made her way back to her room.
  “Good night.” She called back. She laid on the bed and sighed. All the events of the day wore her out. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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